Wednesday, May 29, 2013

"I'm Offended": The Tragedy of Comedy

This is one of my longer posts, but the time has come for me to say what I have been observing, thinking & feeling for quite a while. I’ve just recently seen an opportunity to address it, motivated by a post I saw on a social site last week:

"Most comedy is based on getting a laugh at somebody else's expense and I find that's just a form of bullying. I want to be an example that you can be funny and be kind and make people laugh without hurting somebody else's feelings." ~Ellen Degeneres

It has been re-posted more than 150 times. Obviously, and for a number of reasons that are personal to each of us, bullying is an issue that we feel passionate about.

I have always loved Ellen Degeneres, and have respect for her and her work with the many charities that she supports.  I have always perceived her to be an intelligent, kind and funny woman. I am curious to see how she will pull this one off, but I have to tell you that I don't agree with her and think that she should not change a single thing about her comedy.

What I personally love about Ellen is that she comes across as such a genuine, warm, compassionate person.She has made a living through her insights and humor. She has empowered, uplifted and educated people for many years THROUGH her humor-not in spite of it.  I find her declaration that humor is the same as bullying, off the mark and wonder if she is not also giving in to manipulation & pressure? I feel as though she too has been ‘bullied’ into a position where she can no longer feel comfortable doing what she does best: making us laugh at our common, uncommon, and very human flaws.  

While I admire Ellen's sensitivity to the feelings of others, I think that people who become offended at a comedian's jokes are reacting from a wounded sense of  self-comfort and self-esteem - and their wounds are not about others or bullying at all. They are about themselves.

The very reason that something is a comedy is because it points out and exposes the flaws & absurdity of persons, characteristics or situations. We do this dozens of times a day, whether out loud or in our own heads; whether professional comedians or not. Comedy-humor- is a coping technique - a survival mechanism-and the way we celebrate and observe in a non-threatening way, our flaws, our differences, our similarities, and make more sense of an increasingly volatile (and apparently cranky) world.

While I don't think anyone should ever be purposefully cruel, or hurtful, I DO think we need to grow a backbone, stop looking for excuses for who we are and are not, and understand that humor is NOT the same as bullying. By equating the two, we have not only declared that NOTHING at all is funny, but we have also watered down actual & serious aggression & bullying, and have further strained human interaction by making people feel as if they cannot joke with each other for fear of offending someone. Is this the kind of dry, tense world we really want to live in?

There has been an over-focus on bullying, for too long, and for the wrong reasons. Yes, we have a "respect" problem in general - we have for hundreds of years, and on many levels we are still fighting bias & prejudice. But by paying the wrong kind of attention to the problem, we have simultaneously undermined its significance and made it more prevalent. By over-focusing on it in the wrong way, we have taught children that bullying is the worst of tragedies. We are unintentionally encouraging kids to over-identify with being a "victim" and as awful and painful as it is in extreme cases, in general, I can think of about half a dozen things that are worse than being "picked on" or someone making jokes about me at my own expense.

One of my yoga teachers taught me that when you pay too much attention to something you give it more power. I have found that to be true over and over again in my personal and professional life, and in this case as well.

I see well-meaning organizations giving out medals and other goodies to "victims", in effect, rewarding them for getting picked on. What behaviors and characteristics are we trying to encourage here? Instead of actively giving kids - both victims and aggressors- the specific (and individualized) tools they need to go about developing themselves as better people, we are encouraging them to remain in and fill those "character roles" of victim or an aggressor. We are not giving children any other "character" options- or any functional and realistic coping or self-empowerment strategies, nor teaching them about respecting themselves as well as each other. By over-reacting by trying to remove & censor everyday language and normal human behaviors of the people around us, most of which are quite innocent and benign, and by comparing something as natural as breathing (comedy) to bullying, we have re-enforced the wrong message-the opposite one than what was intended.

In my many years of working with people of all kinds, I have observed that there are really only two emotions: Fear and Love. Being offended stems from fear, and is a learned response. Kids learn and mimic "offended" behavior very quickly by observing the adults in their lives. Declaring that you are offended is one of the most selfish & manipulative statements one can make. Its designed to silence and impose guilt as it elicits sympathy. It gives you a wound to show everyone and implies that now you are entitled to rights and privileges that the 'offender' is not. It also illustrates an inability to control emotions & responses to other people and it comes with the full expectation that everyone else is expected to control theirs. Being offended is a response that harms relationships and prevents us from learning, as it weakens everyone involved.  In fact, I will go so far as to say that the phrase "I'm Offended" is really its own special form of bullying.

Comedy, when observed with a mature ego, a healthy attitude and an open mind, can gently guide us to really take a hard look at ourselves and others and accept, work with (and even embrace) all characteristics- the good, the bad and the ugly. (Or, it can cause us to whine that we are 'offended' so others feel bad for being “so mean”.) We need to guide our kids through this process of finding more healthy ways to respond to joking, bullying, and just plain, ignorant people.

There was a commenter under the post who said: "... I much prefer self-deprecating humor or jokes about the powerful, to the more "bullying" type of comedy making fun of the little guy..."

Why are jokes about the "Powerful" OK?  What defines a "Powerful" target from a "little guy"? Why the double standard? And why would any grown person think that self-deprecation okay? Is that really what we want to teach our kids? Children cannot learn to be kind to others if they are taught to be unkind to themselves. In fact, being unkind to oneself is the ultimate form of bullying. We can't have it both ways-either we don't make (potentially offensive) jokes about anyone at all-including ourselves, because it is bullying...OR we INCLUDE everyone in on the joking, stop being offended, laugh along WITH each other and learn something positive in the process.

Another commenter noted:  I love the sentiment..til I remember that on one of her shows she spent a very long time showing humiliating photos of unsuspecting studio guests, that had been found on Social Networks..."

Yes. I remember that-and the crazy prom photos- and have seen Ellen take on the 1 Million Mom's when they wanted her removed as the JC Penny Spokesperson...and her recent "Fitch PLEEZE!!" response to Abercrombie & Fitch deciding to not sell clothes bigger than a size 10. All of it was funny - and spot on! It would only be offensive to those who those who were not acting right or not so sure of themselves in the first place. 

Anyone who feels offended because of their own flaws does so due to their own filter and not necessarily because of something Ellen, or anyone else said or did. How can Ellen, or anyone else continue to serve as a positive role model for youth and truly embrace and be themselves if we feel so pressured to change the methods (music, art, comedy) we use to express ourselves for fear of offending?

Instead of constantly censoring, we should instead be teaching our children, and youth, characteristics of empowerment & respect - beginning with SELF: self-respect, self-reliance self-control, (especially of our emotions) and self-actualization, rather than teaching them to look for and focus on somebody else's 'bullying ' and/or joke-telling behavior. When we are truly comfortable with who and how we are, we no longer care what other people say, think or make jokes about and we certainly don't expect others to change and adapt to our own level of dis-comfort.  This starts in childhood and needs to be facilitated appropriately.

We do ourselves and everyone around us a huge dis-service by over reacting to issues that are NOT really issues, and by addressing a perceived problem by changing who we already are. We need to stop allowing ourselves to be pressured and 'bullied', into modifying our speech and actions only to empower those who need to manipulate. This does not encourage acceptance, inclusion nor diversity, but only serves to divide us, even if it is a division within ourselves. This is a terrible lesson to teach kids & teens and an unfair burden to place on mature adults.

We will never entirely stop those individuals who feel the need to harass, torment & intimidate others. By being forever "offended" by people, songs, words, differences, etc. we weaken ourselves, our relationships and our support systems. By backing down and changing OUR (non-aggressive) behavior and acting in a manner that is not in alignment with who we really are, only for the sake of political correctness, we give aggressive, manipulative people more power over us than they deserve.

Let's teach our kids how to be truly powerful by not enabling them to actively create more fake crisis & manufactured tragedy in their own lives. Let’s embrace comedy as a universal language-laugh at AND with each other, and come to a better understanding of who we really are and who we want to be. Let's stop the current tragedy of over-identification before it gets worse.

I welcome your comments and observations below.


Thursday, May 23, 2013

"I'm Not Sleepy" and Other Bedtime Stories


Today I came across this question on a social network:

"Can anyone offer any advice on how to handle a 3 year old who screams bloody murder every night before bed?" 

I'm approached for bedtime tips fairly often, so today, I thought I would share an expanded version of my response:

Without having a good sense of what a typical routine is before bed-and how many people are in the house, etc., and speaking in general terms, it would be helpful to first pinpoint & find out why is she is screaming. Is she afraid of the dark? Does not want to be alone? Is it a stressful time of day? Or maybe her day was too full-at school or daycare all day and needs some mommy/daddy time.

I find that a simple, un-rushed but regular routine helps to prepare kids for bedtime and helps them wind down. This could include a bath, laying out clothes for the next day and then a story, (one story only!) Don't be afraid of simple structure here-it helps kids feel supported and safe-event though they may test you and rebel every so often. Consistency and patience are key.

Some other quick bedtime activity alternatives are:

  •  doing a simple coloring activity (for 3 year olds, simple geometric shapes, rainbows or animals are just fine!) 
  • a brief, gentle massage (hands and feet or scalp usually work well.) 
  • a small snack with some protein-chicken, cheese stick, yogurt, nut butter, etc. and a few slices of vegetables or fruit
  • brushing/combing teeth and hair
  • preparing lunch or snack for the next day
In addition, the following important details should be noted:
  • give a "heads up" 5 minute warning-and use a timer. Do not cave and do not prolong this. Do not let them keep adding 5 more minutes- as it creates bad habits and a distorted sense of time down the road.(Allowing children to prolong bedtime like this also teaches them to not respect boundaries and they will expect you to do this all the time. Don't let this become a pattern or it will be impossible to break!)
  • shut down TV and electronics at least 30 minutes before bed so the senses/brain can also calm down. TV & other electronics stimulate the areas of the brain that control our stress response-(Fight or Flight) and the brain/body needs time to regulate and shift to low gear after the adrenalin rush
  • night lights are sensed by the eyes even while asleep and do not allow the brain/body to rest completely. Its best to not use them or at least be sure they are as dim as possible and not shining directly in the child's face.
  • I discourage TV's and computers in bedrooms for the same reason. Remove them or unplug and cover them during bed/nap time.
  • quiet, slow tempo (instrumental) music played on very low volume is OK and may help signal to the brain that its time for sleep
  • furry family members (pets) should be moved out of the room so the room "quiets" down
  • toys and clothes should be put away so that the room is "quiet" when bedtime comes. \
  • follow through with consequences. If you have to ask several times to put toys away and go brush their teeth and your child continues to play, there should be a meaningful consequence, such as not reading a story because there is no time for one.
  • A visual schedule is also helpful and is simple to make. Take photos of each step in the bedtime routine-(bath, brush teeth, comb hair, lay out clothes, story, lights out, etc.) and place each on a wall chart in order, or in a small photo album. When its time to do bedtime activities, lead your child though each picture-step. The next-to last step should be a brief but fun activity-(keeps them motivated to complete the other steps) and then "Lights Out" tells them its time for sleep.
It may take a few tries for the new routine to catch on, and they kids might test you. Be patient and stay calm. They will soon understand and be doing it on their own.
A word of caution though-experts say that it is also not good to over-help your child get to sleep. This is a skill they need to learn for themselves. Bedtime should not become a circus but rather a time to wind down and prepare for restful sleep. Over-helping creates a situation where the child becomes over dependent on the help and cannot develop the skills he needs to settle himself down and go to sleep at all. Read More : The Wide Awake Club
Also see: 
For more simple ideas on keeping kids calm, learn more about Barbara's Book, Calm & Connected !
Other Great Bedtime Books:

Friday, May 17, 2013

Smart Kids in the Kitchen

Today is Food Revolution Day! 
Food Revolution Day is the culmination of  Jamie Oliver's campaign to help people understand the connection between food & health.
Communities across the country and across the world will celebrate the beautiful diversity of fresh food today, sharing cooking skills, understanding healthy eating habits and, of course, eating healthy & delicious food!
How are you helping support food education & cooking skills for children's & teen health?

BodyLogique® has begun the Kid's Canteen as a new adventure in Health & Learning - Our short video features are called 
S.M.Art Kids in the Kitchen! (Watch our website &  blog for details) 
Meanwhile, enjoy this preview below:


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Spring Training!


I've been slowing down on blog posts recently because I am working on some other time-consuming (but worth it) projects!

Our main website now has a new home:

Some links and features are not live yet, but I hope to have it completed over the weekend. Our updated (and full) training schedule will be up as well-we have a great lineup for you through the end of 2013!

In addition, The S.M.Art Kids® Adaptive Yoga Facilitator's Training- Spring Session has begun! If you have not signed up-or are undecided- please join us on this Evening's Conference Call. There is no charge for the call, but you must register at this link to participate.

This Evening's Conference Call Meeting Topic:

S.M.Art Kid® Facilitator's Training: Spring (Blended/Hybrid) Session Introduction to teacher's training program

This 20-30 minute call will focus on to introducing ourselves & the instructional materials to Spring Session, S.M.Art Kids® Facilitator's Training (Both Blended/Hybrid and Distance programs).

I will answer your questions regarding the schedule, materials, and/or certificate requirements, or anything else you would like to know.

Even though the call is directed for new Spring Session registrants, all others are welcome to participate whether currently enrolled in the program or not so please feel free to invite guests to join us on this call!

There is no charge for this session, but you must register! If you have not gone to the link and registered, please before 6 PM!

For more details, visit our BodyLogique Facebook Events Page (and give our BodyLogique Page a "Like" if you would be so kind!) 

For questions, please e-mail Barbara: 

I look forward to training with you!

Barbara Gini
BodyLogique Health & Learning
S.M.Art Kids® Adaptive Yoga

To find our growing library of
Webinars and Conference Call recordings 
visit AnyMeeting


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

With Gratitude: Teacher Appreciation Week

Photo: Camden Catholic High School
Yearbook  - ©1983
This is teacher appreciation week and I have been lucky enough to have so many wonderful teachers in my life who I would love to thank:

Ms. Dietenback, (K) Mrs. Mayer (1st)- Mrs. McCloy (2nd) - Mrs Murray (3rd)- Miss Drew (4th) - Mrs Whitworth (5th) - Miss Cavenaugh (6th)- Mr Lake (7th) - [ Apologies to my 8th Grade Teacher-I am drawing a blank!]

There have been so many others as well-art and music teachers as well as sport coaches - but I thought today it would  be fitting to tell you about a teacher who has educated, supported & influenced me the most on so many levels-personally, professionally and spiritually.

That person is Sr. Mary Philomena Gini.  (But I usually just call her "Aunt Ellie." )

In June, she will be retiring from 40 years at Camden Catholic High School (Cherry Hill, NJ), but  she has touched so many students and families in the nearly 20 years prior to that, not only as an educator, but also as a registrar, guidance counselor, as my paternal aunt, and as a Sister of Mercy.

In September, this amazing woman will also be honored for her sixty years of service to the Sisters of Mercy.  As one of my former classmates wrote, " I can barely commit to what I'm having for lunch-let alone 60 years to one mission!". I concur with his sentiment!

Camden Catholic was founded by the Sisters of Mercy in Camden in 1887, making it 125 years old-the oldest Catholic School in South Jersey. My aunt has been *volunteering in the guidance department all these years, and  is the last Sister out of a 125 year tradition to serve there.  

*(That is right-volunteering. Sisters do not get personal financial compensation for their work-their paychecks go to support the community of sisters and each Sister receives a monthly allowance.)

As a teenager, (and a student of Camden Catholic) it seemed as if I couldn't get away from her watchful eye-and believe me, I tried! She used to tell me that I was closest she would ever have to a daughter-and so I was stuck with her-and she meant it. It was amazing that every formal dance I went to, (about 8 of them between my class's events & those of my then, boyfriend's who was a year ahead of me)  the chaperon's table was always the one RIGHT next to whatever one I was seated at! In front of my friends I would express angst & irritation,  But what I never told anyone is that it also made me feel like someone sincerely cared about me & was really looking out for me. She wanted to be involved in my life and this was her way of doing that.

My aunt is a 5 foot tall delicate balance of loving compassion and dynamic kick-ass. You never have to guess or wonder where you stand with her, she says exactly what is on her mind. She laughs as easily as she expresses displeasure. Nuns have a legendary reputation for getting wicked with rulers, but not my aunt. One look of disapproval from her is enough. She expected the best from us-especially me-but was also patient when we-and I- fell short of those high expectations. 

Her office was always crowded-and still is-with mostly football and basketball players-people just saying hello, people with something to share and people with heavy hearts. Her office was a sanctuary-a safe haven where you shared news, supported each other through rough spots and got told what you were doing right as well as what you were doing wrong. I watched her for four years, as she embraced each one of us as one of her own, and I took mental notes on how to really support people-even those who are irritating you at the moment. She has a gift-does not have any children, yet has keen insight into what a child or teen needs at any given moment, and has shown me, by her example, how to still love someone even if you don't like what they have said/done.

She never pushed religion on me-but always set a good example and answered my questions when they would come up. I think she was secretly hoping that some 'good' would rub off on me when I would spend Saturdays with her at the convent with ALL of the nuns. One of my fondest memories of high school was the environment of Peace and tranquility there among the Sisters-and although I never had a desire to enter a religious order, those early, pleasant experiences helped to shape my understanding of spirituality, inner peace-how to live simply-taking only what you need and how to focus on and stay in the moment. 

My aunt was also the first one who I went to, at 18 and in my first year of college, when I found out I was pregnant. I made some bad choices-(and some good ones) and had many challenges - some self-imposed and some not- to overcome, and  no matter how long I have gone in between phone calls, she always has a smile in her voice and good insight when I talk with her.  She knows things about me that my own parents, brother and those closest to me do not know. She has given me simple guidance, and has always believed in me even through those days when I no longer believed in myself.

The thing that inspires and impresses me most about her is that she has dedicated her entire life to something that she is passionate about and truly believes in. (And when I say her entire life, I mean it. You know how kids play "doctor" or "teacher"? Well, my aunt used to play "Nun in the convent" from the time she was about 5 years old. There are no other nuns/priests in the family who may have influenced this-so I can only conclude that it was truly a Divine Calling.)

So as we celebrate teachers this week, I want to thank her- Aunt Ellie- Sister Philomena for her love, dedication,  inspiration, & passion- for teaching, supporting and inspiring youth - and families from all over the state NJ- for sharing so much of her time, knowledge, experience, charity, unconditional love, and years of her life with all of us. 

Further Reading:

Its About the Little Things

Sisters of Mercy

Teachers: 99 Reasons to Love Them


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

People Aren't Robots

Photo: Qatar Chronicle
When I was a kid, we had gym once a week and went outside after lunch every day. Sometimes, we would hold science class outside. We also would go up to the school yard after school-or out in the street-and play kickball, street hockey or just ride bikes. I often wonder why things are so different now?

School Physical-Ed, sports programs as well as art and music departments have been significantly impacted as administrations feel compelled to make curriculums more academically 'rigorous'.

We have a daily motor time in preschool and Kindergarten. Why do we suddenly stop this practice in upper grades and adulthood? We still need movement. Humans need movement. Movement is how the human brain grows and thinks. As one gym teacher puts it: "If the bum is numb, the brain is too."  Wise words.

Movement educators & PE advocates have been making the case that more time in the gym has not only physical benefits, but academic benefits as well. There has been a large body of research in neurology and brain development that supports this. The question is, if we know this, then why are we not applying it?

Something a friend of mine (also an athlete) said today in response to an article link I posted yesterday on this topic, struck me:

'There are so many aspects that are important. Giving the mind a break in the day so you don't get overwhelmed. Exercise is a natural mood booster. Social skills. Coordination. The list goes on... Some similar arguments can be made of Art and Music. People aren't robots. So frustrating! Good for the people who are out there fighting for what's right.'

People aren't robots...

No. We are not, and neither are our kids.

It IS frustrating. Given the increasing rate of learning & behavior issues in kids, general stress in schools AND in the workplace combined with the fact that we already KNOW the benefits of movement/exercise... it seems as if we have an answer to at least to some of the problems we face, but the powers that be, won't even acknowledge it, let alone apply it. They just keep imposing more rules and restrictions... and administering more tests to see how we're doing compared to the rest of the world-and putting more kids on medication before we've ruled out every other possible solution. Wouldn't be much easier for everyone involved to just put preventative programs in place before behavior and learning problems get out of control? 

Its frustrating & ridiculous, but most of all, its doing our kids a huge disservice.  Kids are not wired to sit still and listen to rote, lecture and do worksheets for 6 hours a day. Kids are not learning more in spite of 'enriched' curriculums and more instruction time. Kids are wired for fun & movement. They are wired for the novel and the unusual. Many classrooms are recognizing this and are incorporating some innovative types of group & blended learning methods. But for the rest, the kids are being routinely bored and/or traumatized on a daily basis-(NOT the teacher's fault!) and this is being sanctioned and sometimes encouraged by the state and US Boards of Ed. Our kids are being set up to fail, (and teachers are too) and parents and educators (and kids) are all expected to just deal with it-academically, emotionally, financially and otherwise.  

Well, the good news is, it doesn't have to be this way. A parent is a child's first (and best) teacher. So start by leading by example- get moving and get the kids moving too. I  know you are tired. We all are. We work hard to support our families. The movement will improve your energy level and do everyone a world of good. Resist the temptation to throw it all into a teacher's lap and say "Its his/her job to [fill in the blank]" Be proactive. Teach kids that if they need a movement or hydration break, to ask for one. They can stretch in their seat if they can't take a break. If they need to study more at home and put more effort into their academics, then they should. Be a good example and above all don't allow them to stagnate- to do nothing at home. There are plenty of everyday tasks at home to keep kids moving, engaged and connected with their families. 

Teachers, schedule daily movement breaks in the classroom-preferably at the beginning and halfway through.  Let the students water plants, (if you don't have any, get some. Not silk, not plastic. Real ones.) dance, stretch, yoga, Tai Chi, march in place, clean out desks, take a water fountain break, move furniture, have a "Chinese Fire Drill" and switch doesn't matter what type of movement it is, just encourage it. Three to five minutes per class period is all you need. If you can fit ten minutes in every half hour-even better, but start somewhere. You will find you get more done in less time.  Student cooperation and learning readiness will improve along with self-confidence, efficiency and motivation. At the same time, stress, lethargy and boredom will decrease. 

At first, you will feel silly-but give yourself permission to be silly-even with High school students who need it the most-along with the cognitively, socially or sensory challenged. After just one week, you will notice a difference in the atmosphere and demeanor of the class. I promise you.

Smithfield Elementary in south Charlotte, SC has figured out a way to balance physical movement time with the increased academic requirements: students take a "Brain Break" every 20 minutes.  The kids dance, maybe do a few calisthenics while counting by fives or saying their multiplication tables.  She says kids are more engaged and teachers actually feel like they fit more reading and math into the day.

Its your classroom-(and parents, they are your kids). Take charge and use what works. After all, we are not Robots.

To read the full article that inspired this post:

PE Advocates Argue Gym Benefits Not Just Health but Academics Too

To help get kids moving, you can find some inspiration on our You Tube Channel or find our Sensory Games and Activities 

To learn how to incorporate more movement into your classroom or home environment, visit our BodyLogique Online Workshop & Training Page (Schedule is currently being updated for Summer and Fall classes, 2013.)

To contact us with questions:
