In yoga, the poses teach us something about the world outside of us as well as the world inside of us. Each pose has an intrinsic nature that can give us clues & insight about our own natures.
For children, this can be a wonderful opportunity to explore the way their bodies move compared to the animals, or to trees, or to geometric shapes. It is a fun journey into their colorful imaginations that will gradually become their ability to 'see' what is going on inside themselves in times of triumph & joy or in times of stress & unhappiness.
The giraffe is a majestic creature & the tallest walking mammal on Earth. Ancient Savannah Tribes beleived that the Totem or Life Lesson of Giraffe was strongly associated with intuition. Its height represents the connection between the earth & spiritual realms & also a far-reaching view (vision). For this reason the giraffe can also be embraced as a symbol of future planning or goal setting.
So ever since then I have shown the children (& the grownups) how to embrace their own "Inner Giraffe".
Here are some ways you can be like a Giraffe in your everyday life:
Step 1
The throat in general represents communication. The giraffe itself makes sounds undetectable to the human ears. When giraffe symbolism appears in your dreams, (or in waking life) take it as a reminder to become heard. Be a better communicator, when speaking as well as listening. Use words confidently& choose those that empower rather than undermine. Really begin to listen and absorb what is being said (and not said) to you. You'd be surprised at and interested in what you hear!
Step 2
The giraffe's long neck also represents the idea of "sticking your neck out". Tribe elders beleived that this was as way to retrieve higher knowledge & visionaries would draw from giraffe energies during their vision quests to help open up their third eye during meditation. Giraffe symbolism reminds us to stand tall, stick our neck out & seek out higher truths about ourselves,our community & the world around us.
Step 3
Giraffes live in herds and depend on its community for protection and survival. The family oriented giraffe teaches us the importance of family connectedness & strength of community for overall well being. Find ways to reconnect with family or old friends. You can also feel renewed & empowered with new friendships or "families" by volunteering for community projects. Strive to be one who people can "look up to."
Step 4
Giraffe is a symbol of the connection between the earth and spiritual realms. Look into ways to deepen your understanding & experiences. This could be as simple as taking a walk in nature, and feeling the connection with the Earth and all it has to show us!
(Lauren doing "Giraffe Walk" at left)
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