So what is your passion? Art? Dance? The environment? What do you really care about? Education or Health reform? If you had the chance, how would you want to change the world? Maybe you are a teacher or a coach-mother-or an everyday Joe or Jane. Regardless of who you are, what your passion is, or even if you are looking for work right now, I can tell you that you CAN make a big difference in your community and your world.
Pepsi is giving people a chance to make a difference by giving away millions of dollars in grants each month to fund great ideas that will refresh individuals and communities everywhere as part of its 'Refresh Everything Project' campaign.
There are 1,000 submissions accepted electronically on a first come first serve basis each month in 5 different categories. There are 4 levels of grant awards ranging from $5,000 up to $250,000. Once a project is accepted, then the grants are awarded by community votes. A total of 10 grants are awarded by most votes in each category.

My project was first conceived a few years ago when I worked in NJ as a classroom assistant and 1:1 aide to children with autism. I had always worked with children in some capacity & had done this specific work for several years under a very compassionate & talented teacher and a great team of 1:1 aides and found that this was my passion.
As much as I love my work I have always had an inner sense that we could do so much more for the kids and the families. I started playing yoga based movement games- (something I had been certified for and never used regularly) during therapy sessions to break it up a bit and saw that it seemed to help the kids handle tension and to focus better, but most of all, they were laughing!

While I was in the process of submitting my idea, I was fortunate enough to meet 2 amazing & passionate people I'd like to tell you about. These are my "Pepsi Refresh Partners" and we are three separate projects supporting each other through August's round of voting. Their stories are below and I encourage you to read more about them by clicking on the links!

After several moves and experiencing layoffs & job discrimination, he and his wife made two trips to Maui and lived life to its fullest. He flew in a helicopter for the first time, drove up a volcano & hiked around it, met some wonderful people, "and had the time of our lives..." .
"The reason I founded this organization is that I want everyone with Multiple Sclerosis to be able to fulfill their dreams. I was fortunate to be able to do many things and want the same for others in my boat. Whether we enable you to do something you have always wanted, or give you hope that things can happen for you, we will make a difference. No one should have to live their life feeling like a disease will keep them from fulfilling their dreams. I am not going to accept this, and neither should you. Together, we will make dreams come true for people with Multiple Sclerosis!David's "Multiple Sclerosis Dreams" project will help those dreams come true for so many!
Kris Courtney: The REAL Color of America:
American Artist & Author Kris Allen Courtney, drawn to benevolence and disability awareness by his own personal experience, from his struggle as a child born into years of surgical intervention, (being in a body cast at only 3 days old) to an ensuing lifelong continuous health struggle, has created ‘The REAL COLOR of America’ Project. Through this project, he is dedicated to service and participation for all beyond their disabilities. Kris’ art is bold and thoughtful in its message to the viewer and invites you to pause. This energy opens Kris to the strife and parallel beauty of the real color of life surrounding us all.
"The "REAL Color" project is designed to use art to bring a spot-light awareness to cities and towns across the country in need of inclusion. Through the travels across America, this project will create a unique abstract map of the cities and communities visited as well as the people of all abilities who participate." Kris creatively uses open plein air creations coordinated with Local Fund Raising Organizations geared towards poverty reduction, food, special needs and disabilities, to create a beautiful medium for a truly inclusive American Art Exhibit. A gallery has generously offered to house the completed pieces.
Kris's book, "Norma Jean's Sun" is painfully reflective yet ultimately hopeful. A story told through the eyes of a boy who believes he has been mistakenly born into the world and a man who conquers physical and emotional injustice--and thrives. The memoir reveals not only the struggle and heartrending elements of generational lives “gone wrong,” but also the love and growth of a human being overcoming the odds and determined to find a way to live life to the fullest.
Kris's "REAL Color" project will allow many others to do the same.
From August 1- 31, I am asking you to please go to the Pepsi website and vote everyday for these 3 "Pepsi Refresh" projects that will impact so many individuals and communities in a positive way. It only takes a moment of your time. You can go to the Pepsi website for more details, and you can even sign up to get e-mail voting reminders here.
These 3 projects can also be followed on Facebook and Twitter. We will be posting updates on our respective project progress so please check back for any developing news!
Thank you for your passion & your support! We know that together, we can refresh communities everywhere by including everyone & helping all people make their Dreams come true!
Love & Laughter
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The Creative Movement Project
Great article! Thank you for spreading the PRP via your blog. I also have a project this month:http://www.refresheverything.com/growteachsave
ReplyDeleteJulia-thanks! What a great project! Tahnks for the link. I will go and vote now-and pass this on-good luck! :)