Friday, April 29, 2011

Thinking Outside The Lesson Plan: 6 Ways to Accomodate Alternate Learners

Working in Ms. T's pre-school early intervention classroom 5 years ago was one of the most memorable  learning experiences for me. I have taken so much of what I learned there from both Ms." T", my co-workers and the kids themselves and have applied that to my current work as a children's yoga teacher. In addition, I have been able to offer workshops & trainings to hundreds of parents, therapists, educators & other children's yoga teachers showing them how to do the same.

One of the first and most important techniques I learned was how to create non-threatening  environments that accommodate a variety of alternate learning styles & challenges & offer the best opportunities for all children to be successful. This concept is at the very center of my adaptive yoga programs. I work with many children who have autism, visual or other sensory perception challenges, poor motor planning or dyslexia, poor auditory or cognitive processing delays and other adaptive needs that make it necessary for me to make accommodations. To do this effectively, I have to think a little bit (sometimes alot) outside of the lesson plan.

Here are 6 accommodations that I have found are the most common & most useful, especially for older children, teens & young adults:

1) Talk with the student: (For all students) Ask how he/she learns best. Often these students can explain in their own words what helps them learn and this input can be developed into concrete learning strategies. These strategies are usually easy to incorporate into a classroom setting or a yoga group setting. In this way you have made the student a partner-and an active participant-in his or her learning.

2) Use Visual Aids:  (For children with auditory/cognitive challenges)  PECS, simple pictures or felt boards can be used to demonstrate & communicate a variety of concepts and ideas. In a yoga group, model the postures or movements & breath work slowly for the student so he/she can see how its done. Allow students to partner up and play a modified & more age appropriate version of  the "Mirror Game".  In both classrooms, follow up with a brief explanation speaking slowly, clearly & using as few words as possible.

3) Use Oral Instructions/Testing: (for students with poor visual processing, poor motor planning & fine motor challenges) Tests can be read aloud to the students or provided on audio file, and students can give answers orally. In a yoga setting, this is how I assess the students level of understanding & also practice social & conversational skills-by asking/answering questions and telling stories. Its important to remember to be clear & use as few words as possible.

4) Modify Essay & Note Copying Assignments:  (for students with poor visual processing, poor motor planning & fine motor challenges)  It takes some students much longer to copy information from a book or a board. In some cases the student may not be able to even read their notes. Provide simple lecture notes, or discreetly assign a fellow student or peer to copy the notes using carbon less paper to make a second copy for the student to review.  For tests, use as many match and  fill-in-the-blank formats as possible. ( Multiple-choice questions also tend to pose a problem for some students because of the amount of reading required to answer the questions correctly.) A simple handout with a brief summary, stick figure drawings and simple captions works well for yoga classes.

5) Modify Research Assignments: (For all students) There are many ways to offer alternative assignments to demonstrate skill or content master for traditional as well as yoga classrooms. Alternatives to long written papers could include video or oral presentations, collages, photo journals, shadow boxes, role playing, dioramas, etc. I use lots of simple themed art projects in my yoga classes to go with each lesson to give the student a personal & physical reminder of the basic concepts presented.

6) Use Routine Skill & Concept Reviews:  (For all students) Good for reinforcement of academic as well as yoga concepts. Can be used before a test or as a transition before moving on to the next concept introduction. A review can be done at the end of the week, at the end of a unit, as an oral review or even as a fun class "Jeopardy" or "Wheel of Fortune" type game, incorporating flash cards or other visual aids if necessary. A simple 'study guide' (one page only) with short summaries of key concepts & vocabulary words can be made easily and given to the students to take home & review on their own. Encourage students to stay organized by keeping all notes in a binder or folder for quick reference. (For one of my teen girl's yoga classes I provided folders and let them decorate to have a personalized place to keep all yoga class notes in.)

Whether you are a traditional educator, classroom assistant or children's yoga teacher, its not difficult to make these simple accommodations for those who may need them. A little time and creativity will go a long way to benefit both educators & students.


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