Monday, November 12, 2012

Rooms Without Books


“A room without books is like a body without a soul.”         
                              ~Marcus Tullius Cicero

One of my greatest loves has always been reading.  Books are a huge part of my life, whether I am reading one to myself in the quiet of the morning, or presenting an interactive storytelling program to a classroom of children, or writing one of my own.

Books help us learn on many levels. They bring us closer to other people, Faraway Places and to ourselves. I heavily depend on books and storytelling for all of my programming to help bring learning to life.

For as much as we all depend on the internet and all of our useful electronic devices, its so hard for me to imagine my office, my home and a world without books.

I just came across this article below that I wanted to share with you all. Maybe it will inspire you to get involved in some small way.

Queens Library: Peninsula Branch
Most of us are aware of the countless losses suffered in NY & NJ in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. At this writing, 2 weeks later, there are still about 150,000 without utilities and looking to secure food, temporary housing, and hundreds of schools have been closed due to damage or power issues.

In an effort to provide some support and learning materials to these families, educators and students who need them, Scholastic Inc. has just announced that they will donate one million books to schools and libraries in NY and NJ affected by Hurricane Sandy. They are partnering with K.I.D.S Children's Charity to help distribute materials to the hardest hit areas.

In addition to books, many teachers also lost lesson plans and other resources collected and developed over many years. Scholastic is also making lesson plans and activities available for these teachers as well.

Read the full article here and find links to resources for children's social and emotional recovery, and learn how you can apply for a book grant, make a donation or request a book grant for someone you know.

If everyone does what they can, even if its just a little bit, we can help with the rebuilding and transition of the libraries and schools that suffered huge losses. Together we can work to ensure there are no rooms left without books.

Do you have another Hurricane Relief resource you would like to share? Please post in the comments section below!

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