Friday, February 15, 2013

In Case You Missed It: The Amazing Human Body

I have always been fascinated with how the body & brain works, especially how they work together, which is one of the reasons I founded BodyLogique Health & Learning.

Each day, I come across articles & studies, discussing the latest findings in anatomy, physiology, neurology, health & disease. The more I learn, the more I can apply and the more it gives me a clear picture of  how it all relates to my own body. It gives me insight into how I am wired. It seems that nothing happens by accident: we are brilliantly engineered and breaking barriers every day, physical and academic, of what we thought we were capable of doing/thinking.

For this week's Friday post, I have found this info-graphic: "18 Amazing Facts About the Human Body" that I have shared with you below. I hope you enjoy it!

Have a great weekend!


Researched and produced by Advanced Physical Medicine - Chicago Bucktown Physical Therapy..

Infographic Courtesy of:

Advanced Physical Medicine- Chicago, Il


  1. Wow, Very cool infographic for sure! Considering I have added several pounds of fat during th past year, I guess that means my poor old heart will have to push its blood through many more miles. Yikes!

    1. I loved the graphic! And you know Richard, they say that Spring has sprung-so maybe some outdoor walking will give your heart (and everyone's) a boost! :)


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