Its Friday! and here are the top article links for this past week.
For those of you new to my blog, each Friday, we feature the top articles (archived and new) that are relevant to working with children with social, sensory and learning challenges, and expanding our personal interactions that week with families, students & educators.
The purpose of this weekly post is to create connections and a diverse resource of information to help us support and inform each other in the most straightforward and entertaining way possible.
To read the original article, click on the title link. (A short description as a quote or excerpt taken right from the article appears under each link.) The source is listed under the article title. Please feel free to share with the original links & authors referenced.
If you have an article link you would like to add, contact Barbara at the e-mail at the bottom of this post.
Guest post submissions are always welcome!
Please report any broken links to Barbara at the e-mail link below.
Have a Fantastic Weekend!
Are There Benefits to Teaching Children Chess?
The benefits of chess is a topic that has been debated for quite a few years. As education becomes more competitive parents are looking for any edge they can find to sharpen their children’s’ minds. It’s this exact pressure that has led people to many incorrect conclusions that we’re later proven false. One good example was the craze in the 90′s of playing classical music to your babies or children to make them smarter- which was later proven ineffective. Unlike many of these fads, the evidence is clear that playing chess benefits the mind in both young and old alike...Food Dyes and ADHD: Is There A Connection?
(CBS Miami)
Color dye is now being investigated by the Food and Drug Administration to see if certain colors added to enhance the look of the foods your kids love to eat will affect their behavior...Sorry, I Can't Help It! (Echolalia)
(College Park, MD Patch)
Society accepts many forms of habits and mannerisms. My child recites movie lines to calm himself down...Top 10 Homework Tips:
Kids are more successful in school when adults take an active interest in their work — it shows kids that what they do is important. Here are 10 tips on homework...In Praise of Germs: Why Common Bugs are Necessary for Kids
Scientists increasingly believe that the rapid rise in food allergies, asthma and other immunological diseases is due, at least in part, to our modern obsession with cleanliness. The 'hygiene hypothesis', contends that these diseases are becoming more common because young children are not exposed to them at an early age. We try to prevent exposure to germs with antibiotics, antibacterials and soaps and letting kids get dirty seems like a violation of basic parental duty.
The Need for Pretend Play
(Psychology Today)
Systematic research has increasingly demonstrated a series of clear benefits of children’s engagement in pretend games from the ages of about two and one half through ages six or seven. Actual studies have demonstrated cognitive benefits such as increases in language usage including subjunctives, future tenses, and adjectives.Contact:
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