Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Since You Asked

Several of you have asked me recently about what I've been up to, if I am teaching any classes or workshops and a few other fact-finding questions, so I've decided that today's blog post will focus on responding to your queries.

First, I want to acknowledge that I have the best network of people around me-on and off-line: students, families, collaborators, mentors, friends, family & others who have been supportive &  helpful to me on so many levels, both personally & professionally. Thank you all for the opportunity to work & learn with you.

Secondly, my health is fine, (don't know how that rumor got started, but its absolutely false!) I'm not in hiding and no, I have not run away to join the circus. (clowns and knife throwers scare me!)

The group class schedule has temporarily lightened because I am dedicating more time to work with schools and therapy practices providing adaptive yoga education & training, and planning & developing several new projects that I am really excited about! (I was going to save this until they were completed but since you asked, I will share and give you a small preview:)

  • 2 (Brand New ) S.M.Art Stories™ Curriculum's (Science & Nature Series) are in the final edit (Sun Stretch & Star Quest) will be released in April. A S.M.Art Stories™ Social Series is in the end planning phase.
  • S.M.Art Cards™ - the newest in our product line. A smaller more portable set of posture sequence cards that can be used as a visual prompt for movement or self-calming techniques. Prototypes have gotten great reviews! (Thank you to my testers for your help and honest feedback!) These cards have one major difference from regular card sets & you will have to wait until they are released to see what the difference is!
  • S.M.Art Kids® Professional Forum: Is up and running! We have 60 members and are growing daily! This is a place for professionals & parents to share tips and techniques for helping with children with autism & other adaptive needs. (Also for anyone who wants to learn yoga-based techniques appropriate for classroom or therapy room.) If you have not joined yet and would like to be a part of this great community,  please e-mail me:  with your request and I will send you a personal invitation.
  • BodyLogique Monthly News Bulletin:  Our first issue was for March, 2012. Receive news, updates, articles & tips every month. To request a subscription, please use this link and then fill in the "Subscribe by E-Mail" box in the left hand column.
  • S.M.Art Kids® Outside: Our program promoting outdoor play and environmental education. We are happy to be partnering with Project Wild to help bring this nature-based program to the community.
  • Sensory Fit™ - Our individualized yoga programming is getting a makeover. We are making improvements to the way we assess and develop our customized programming. More information to follow.
  • Webinar Series: We are developing our online learning library and looking into webinar production to reach more educators worldwide. (Our next webinar is with the dynamic Donna Freeman from Yoga In My School on April 12, 2012. View webinar information & register here.)
  • My daughter is who I want to be
    when I grow up!
  • S.M.Art Kids-The Book: This rumor is true! There is a forthcoming book, (untitled as of yet). This is the project that I am most excited about! I am in the process of shopping for publishers. I will keep you informed as this project comes to completion.
Incidentally, that is my daughter's picture (at right)  you see in all of the curriculum's, training manual and photo cards (and in the upcoming webinar) I would not be able to do any of this without her energy, humor and inspiration!  She is a tremendous help-very creative & loves helping me with the manuals & art projects. She has been going with me to summer camps and classes to help mentor & support the kids who need it, for the last 5 years, but there are times during the week when my work keeps me away from her. I have adjusted my schedule better not just so I can work on more projects, but so that I can spend more quality time with her, as she steps into her teen years. She has given me some great ideas for  a kids casual clothing line, games and a program for girls that I hope to be working on by the fall of 2012.

My hope is that as each of these projects is implemented, it will expand our work & help bring quality adaptive programming to so many more children across the country. This is the vision and mission that you are all helping me bring into reality.

Please contact me for more information on these projects, program consulting or any of our other services:


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