Friday, September 14, 2012

In Case You Missed It: Diet, Nature & Success - Sept 10-14

Another week has flown by! I love this time of year, as the leaves change color and the air is crisp and clean in the morning as I write.

I am embracing this time of transitioning to the fall by helping a friend move out her furniture that I've been using/storing for her and replacing it with furniture that a different friend needs stored, and by painting my dining room. I'm also shredding my outdated files, replacing some of my programs and scheduling winter & Spring workshops. How are you making the transition to fall? Do you do anything special as a family or as an individual? We'd love to hear about it in the comments section below.

Here is what's new at BodyLogique:

  • S.M.Art Kids® Adaptive Yoga Faciltator's Training (Distance Learning Format)- We are thrilled to now offer this format to train more yoga teachers, therapists, educators and other professionals worldwide, to combine & use yoga-based approaches with traditional ones.  This course is a 100 hour, self-guided course that gives you all the materials and personal coaching you need to implement the S.M.Art Kids® program. Details to come this weekend on our BodyLogique website.

  • "S.M.Art for a Cause" Fundraising Program - This unique program uses our Story, Movement & Art based educational workshops to raise funds for schools, non-profits and other community organizations. Look for details this weekend on our website.

We are looking for just 3 more people to go through the program and give input and feedback for a very modest introductory price. Please send an e-mail to to briefly introduce yourself and tell us how you want to use the program. We will then contact you with details to see if this is the right program for you.

Have a great weekend everyone! Here are your Friday links:

One of the most devastating calls you can receive as a parent is the School calling to tell you they have initiated an expulsion proceeding against your child due to poor behavior. If your child has an Individualized Education Program (“IEP”) before the expulsion process can start they must hold a Manifestation Determination review:
How to Prepare for a Manifestation Determination Review

Local Fall Events and More from Brain Balance of Wayne PA

Why Yoga Works

Does Art Make Us Nicer?

Kids and Food Allergies

Brain Healthy Diet for Kids

How Children Succeed

Overprotected Children and Risk 

Why Kids Need Nature


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